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Fig. 1 | Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials

Fig. 1

From: The oral microbiota is a reservoir for antimicrobial resistance: resistome and phenotypic resistance characteristics of oral biofilm in health, caries, and periodontitis

Fig. 1

Bacterial composition of supragingival (H = Healthy, C = Caries) and subgingival (P = Periodontitis) biofilm samples of 179 study participants based on metagenomic sequencing results. A Significant differences in relative abundances (determined by beta regression) of the most abundant bacterial phyla in H, C, P; B significant differences in relative abundances of bacterial genera in H, C, P (> 5%) and C relative abundances of the 10 most abundant bacterial species in H, C, P. Statistical difference were evaluated using a beta regression with a logit or loglog link function depending on the model fit *< 0.05; **< 0.01; ***< 0.001. Healthy (H; n = 63, 60.3% female), Caries (C; n = 61, 31.1% female), and Periodontitis (P; n = 55, 41.8% female)

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