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Fig. 6 | Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials

Fig. 6

From: Evaluation the reactivity of a peptide-based monoclonal antibody derived from OmpA with drug resistant pulsotypes of Acinetobacter baumannii as a potential therapeutic approach

Fig. 6

Detection of Acinetobacter with peptide-based mAb by IFA immunostaining. In each row, the bacteria are exposed in both normal and UV light modes in one shot of a microscopic image. (Magnification: 40×). The point areas with fluorescent light in each part of the figure represent that OmpA proteins are expressed superficially on the Acinetobacter pulsotypes and the peptide-based mAb by binding to exterior OmpA was able to identify the pulsotypes. *Escherichia coli as a gram-negative bacterium with similar OmpA proteins that have not been detected by the mAb in IFA immunostaining. It did indicate that the produced peptide-based mAb was specific to OmpA of Acinetobacter

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