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Table 2 Baseline demographics

From: Effect of the 2014 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute urine-specific breakpoints on cefazolin susceptibility rates at a community teaching hospital

Female, n (%)

154 (80.6)

Age (year), mean ± SD

67.3 ± 21.2

Race, n (%)


79 (41.4)


110 (57.6)

UTI classification, n (%)


149 (78.4)


41 (21.6)

Type 2 diabetes mellitus, n (%)

56 (29.3)

ESRD, n (%)

13 (6.8)

NH residents, n (%)

31 (16.2)

Penicillin/cephalosporin allergy, n (%)

56 (29.3)

ESBL-producing, n (%)

13 (6.5)

  1. ESRD end stage renal disease, NH nursing home, ESBL extended-spectrum β-lactamase