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Table 1 Demographics of patients and characteristics of bloodstream infection

From: Clinical syndromes and treatment location predict utility of carbapenem sparing therapies in ceftriaxone-non-susceptible Escherichia coli bloodstream infection




52 (48%)

Median age, years

71 (IQR 57, 83)

Median days in hospital before bloodstream infection

0 (IQR 0, 1)

Median inpatient days after bloodstream infection

8 (IQR 5, 12)

Number admitted to OPAT

38 (35%)

Polymicrobial bloodstream infectiona

6 (6%)

Source of infection

 Complicated UTI

46 (43%)

 Uncomplicated UTI

35 (32%)

 Intra-abdominal other than biliary tract

11 (10%)

 Biliary tract

7 (6%)

 Febrile neutropenia

4 (4%)

 No focus

4 (4%)

 Native osteomyelitis

1 (1%)

Total duration of antimicrobial therapy, median, days

15 (IQR 12, 17)

Number treated with carbapenem

102 (94%)

Number de-escalated to oral therapyb

45 (42%)

 Median duration oral therapy, days

12 (IQR 6, 15)

30-day mortalityc

11/99 (11%)

  1. OPAT outpatient antimicrobial therapy, UTI urinary tract infection
  2. a 1 patient was bacteremic with both S. agalactiae and P. mirabilis, 2 patients had Staphylococcus aureus, 1 patient had Streptococcus anginosus group, 1 patient had Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 1 patient had Enterococcus raffinosus
  3. b 29 patients given ciprofloxacin, 10 trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 3 trimethoprim, 2 oral fosfomycin, 1 nitrofurantoin,
  4. c 30-day follow-up not available for 9 patients