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Table 3 Laboratory parameters of severe verses uncomplicated cases of malaria

From: Severe vivax malaria trends in the last two years: a study from a tertiary care centre, Delhi, India

Laboratory parameters

Severe malaria n = 58 (%)

Uncomplicated malaria n = 119 (%)

Total number of patients n = 177 (%)

Chi-square (df)


Leukopenia (WBC < 4000 cells/µl)

15 (25.9)

10 (8.4)

25 (14.1)

8.4 (1)


Leukocytosis (WBC > 10,000 cells/µl)

6 (10.3)

0 (0.0)

6 (3.4)

9.8 (1)


Severe anaemia

33 (56.9)

0 (0.0)

33 (18.7)

79.5 (1)

 < 0.0001*

Moderate anaemia

15 (25.9)

9 (7.6)

24 (13.5)

9.6 (1)


Mild anaemia

38 (65.5)

39 (32.8)

67 (37.9)

15.7 (1)

 < 0.0001*

Thrombocytopenia (< 150,000 cells/µl)

52 (89.7)

64 (53.8)

116 (65.5)

20.7 (1)

 < 0.0001*

Deranged AST

24 (41.4)

13 (10.9)

37 (20.9)

20.1 (1)

 < 0.0001*

Deranged ALT

26 (44.8)

17 (14.3)

43 (24.3)

18.2 (1)

 < 0.0001*

Serum bilirubin > 2.5 mg/dL

15 (28.9)

2 (1.7)

17 (9.6)

23.6 (1)

 < 0.0001*

Mean Hb ± SD

11.5 ± 1.7

13.4 ± 1.9




Mean RBC count (cells/µl)

2.51 × 106

3.41 × 106




  1. Data are presented as frequency (percentage) and mean ± standard deviation (SD)
  2. ALT, Alanine aminotransferase, AST, Aspartate aminotransferase, RBC, Red blood cells, df, Degree of freedom, WBC: White blood cells
  3. Pearson’s chi square and unpaired Student t tests were used to compare percentages and mean values respectively
  4. *: Statistically significant at P < 0.05