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Fig. 1 | Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials

Fig. 1

From: Whole-genome sequencing and characterization of an antibiotic resistant Neisseria meningitidis B isolate from a military unit in Vietnam

Fig. 1

Circular view of the genome of N. meningitidis DuyDNT isolate generated by PATRIC showing the physical map of its significant features. From outside in: Order of contigs (shown in navy); distribution of coding sequences in plus and minus strands (shown in green and purple, respectively); distribution of noncoding elements along the chromosome (shown in blue); distribution of genes involved in antibiotic resistance (shown in red); distribution of other virulence genes (shown in orange); distribution of genes encoding transmembrane proteins (shown in dark blue); distribution of genes encoding drug targets (shown in black); distribution of GC content along plus and minus strands (most inner two circles)

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