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Table 2 Patient characteristics among tier 1 articles (n = 53)

From: Triple combination antibiotic therapy for carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae: a systematic review



Age (n = 53)a

54 ± 16b

Male Sex, n (%) [n = 46]a

31 (67)

ICU admission, n (%) [n = 38]

33 (87)

APACHE II Score ≥ 15, n (%) [n = 27]a

17 (63)

SOFA (n = 18)a

10 (3–15)c

Sepsis syndrome at onset of infection, n (%) (n = 24)


6 (25)

 Severe sepsis or septic shock

12 (50)

  1. APACHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
  2. aNumber of study subjects for which this data were available
  3. bPresented as mean ± standard deviation
  4. cPresented as median (range)