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Table 7 Fecal output of E. coli increased with the effect of continuous human pathogenic E. coli feeding for 20 d via drinking water

From: Novel approach of using a cocktail of designed bacteriophages against gut pathogenic E. colifor bacterial load biocontrol

PathogenicE. colifeed at 1×108CFU/ml with water drink for 20 d

TotalE. colioutput count (CFU/ml)

Time zero

2.1 x 105

Day 1

2.4x 105

Day 2

3.2x 106

Day 3

7 x 106

Day 4

6.3 x 106

Day 5

8.5 x 106

Day 6

1.1 x 107

Day 7

1 x 107

Day 8

9 x 106

Day 10

8.7x 105

Day 12

7 x 105

Day 14

5.3 x 105

Day 16

5.1 x 104

Day 20

3.4 x 105