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Figure 3 | Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials

Figure 3

From: β-lactam antibiotic-induced release of lipoteichoic acid from Staphylococcus aureus leads to activation of neutrophil granulocytes

Figure 3

Bacterial supernatants delay the apoptosis of neutrophil granulocytes. PMN (5 × 106/ml) were cultured in medium or with supernatants of antibiotic-exposed bacteria. After overnight co-incubation the percentage of apoptotic PMN was determined by microscopical evaluation of > 200 cells on cytocentrifuge preparations stained with Giemsa. Results are mean ± SD of three to nine experiments. Significant differences between treated and non-treated cultures are indicated (Kruskal-Wallis test, nns test). FLU20 = flucloxacillin 20 × MIC; FLU1 = flucloxacillin 1 × MIC; ERY20 = erythromycin 20 × MIC; ERY1 = erythromycin 1 × MIC; CIP20 = ciprofloxacin 20 × MIC; CIPi1 = ciprofloxacin 1 × MIC; GEN20 = gentamicin 20 × MIC; GEN1 = gentamicin 1 × MIC.

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